Project Description

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Elatochori is built at an altitude of 1,100 meters, at the foot of the Tsuka Gina peak. It is 57 kilometers away from the city of Ioannina. Until 1927, the village was called Chernesi and with that name the village is mentioned in the known folk song of Epirus “Fesodervenas” (“… and in Chernesi dawned”).

The local community consists of two settlements, Elatochori (117 inhabitants) and Dilako – Palia Seso – (49 inhabitants), which are separated by a deep pit. After joining the rest of the area of Greece in 1913, Elatochori had only 250 residents and 33 elementary school pupils. Today, the two settlements of Elatochori have several inhabitants, that increase during the summer.

In Elatochori there are three churches, Saint Georgios at the village square, the Assumption of the Virgin at the edge of the village and Saint-Lia over the village. Each year, from August 5th to August 7th, there is a feast for the celebration of the Savior at the church of Saint Athanasios.

The inhabitants of the village are mainly engaged in agricultural work, producing giant potatoes and beans, while the rest are engaged in logging as there is also a cooperative formation in the village. Additionally, a guest house is located in the village.

Above the village rises the top of Tsouka Gina. In the area of Elatochori there are lakes, stone bridges, rivers and forests. Within walking distance from the village there is the mountain of Tsouka Rosa, which consists of pines, firs, beech trees, rosemary, plane trees and rich fauna, such as wild boars, hares, bears and other wild animals.